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What kind of investment portfolios do you offer?
What kind of investment portfolios do you offer?
Written by Adam Rayf
Updated this week

Each investment portfolio contains a combination of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). Through these ETFs, your money is invested in stocks and bonds spanning thousands of issuers. This approach to investing follows the Modern Portfolio Theory, which prioritizes diversification over selecting individual stocks.

Each portfolio has been built to reflect various risk versus reward profiles and aims to help you achieve your financial goals.

We use the information collected during your sign-up process in combination with your goal achievement date to provide you with an investment profile. Our profiles use a mix of stocks, bonds, and savings funds to develop portfolios suited to your personal goals. Here are the 5 types of portfolios we offer:

Cautious Income

Balanced Income


Balanced Growth

Equity Growth

Moka Portfolio Performance:


Last 12 months¹

10 year avg. annual return²


Equity Growth
(Highest growth high volatility)



100% equity

Balanced Growth



70% equity, 30% fixed income




50% equity, 50% fixed income

Balanced Income



70% fixed income, 30% money market

Cautious Income
(Lowest growth low volatility)



100% money market


  1. The Moka Equity Growth portfolio performance for 1-year was 25.24%, for 3-years was 15.32%, and for 5-years was 16.60% as of January 31, 2025. The Balanced Growth portfolio performance for 1-year was 19.85%, the Balanced portfolio was 16.26%, the Balanced Income portfolio was 6.27%, and the Cautious Income portfolio was 3.88% as of February 28, 2025. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

  2. The 10 year average annual return is calculated based on the 10 year weighted average total return of indices that closely match the composition of the Moka Funds, namely the S&P 500 Index denominated in Canadian dollars, S&P Canada Aggregate Bond Index and S&P Canada Treasury Bill Index, in a manner consistent with the asset allocation mix of the Moka portfolios. The performance of an index is not an exact representation of any particular investment, as you cannot invest directly in an index.

Detailed information about your investment profile is provided in the app (under Account > Documents > Investment Policy).

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